You have the right to a second opinion if you disagree with your Rule 25 Assessment recommendation. Problems often occur with recommendations including: inaccurate diagnoses, excessive treatment, and ineffective treatment. This happens because as the National Advisory Commission on Addiction Treatment noted: oftentimes assessors lack the skills, knowledge, and credentials necessary to provide accurate recommendations.
If your recommendation seems incorrect, make sure you schedule your second opinion with a medical professional that has a profound understanding of addiction and addiction treatment. Additionally, make sure you meet with a “private” Rule 25 Assessor so that your recommendation does not risk being biased. Unfortunately, Rule 25 assessments conducted at treatment centers and community mental health clinics are sometimes unfairly prejudiced toward the narrow treatment options that their facility offers, instead of the best available therapies. For example, if you want individual counseling, but the treatment center offers only group-based therapy, you will likely be recommended group-based treatment. This is not client-centered! Without question, you deserve your voice to be heard during the Rule 25 Assessment process and to receive the treatment you are most interested in.
Michael (612-249-3656) received his degree from Harvard after studying and researching addictive disorders. He is trained by some of the world’s leading experts in psychology and addiction medicine. Michael works in private practice and is unassociated with any particular treatment center. This means he is open-minded and provides neutral second opinions based upon your unique situation and interests.
Michael is more than an expert Rule 25 Evaluator that provides second opinions, he cares about your wants and needs. He can be reached at 612-249-3656