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Rule 25 in Ramsey

The Rule 25 Assessment in Ramsey Minnesota is essentially a therapist-patient meeting where a 16-page standardized form (the Rule 25) is filled out during the meeting. It is a lengthy interview that inquires on a lot of information about your past alcohol and drug use, physical health, mental health, your interest in moderating or quitting alcohol/drug use, and the problems your substance use has caused. The state of Minnesota ( MN ) created and promotes the form and requires statewide treatment centers to have a completed Rule 25 on file prior to a person starting alcohol or drug treatment. Assessor’s Recommendation are at the end of the form. The Recommendation includes items such as refrain from problematic alcohol consumption or abstain altogether and/or to attend education classes or intensive treatment.

Because Assessor’s Recommendations vary wildly from Assessor to Assessor, it is essential you meet with a private Assessor unaffiliated with treatment programs to help ensure that you get the most fair, unbiased Recommendations based upon your wants and needs.

Who is qualified to conduct Rule 25 Assessments in Ramsey MN?

Michael (612-249-3656) is a licensed medical professional who is Harvard-educated and has a profound understanding of addictive disorders. Michael works in private practice and is unassociated with any particular treatment programs. This means he will provide neutral, accurate recommendations based upon your unique situation and interests. He recognizes that you know yourself better than anyone and will work with you to create recommendations that you are satisfied with and feel are appropriate.

Call Michael (612-249-3656) today – an expert who cares about your wants and needs.